Monday, August 3, 1998

Sapang Palay Youth Bukluran

I haven't yet attended the Youth Bukluran of Area G, Sapang Palay.  For the whole last month of July, the 'kids' were pestering me to join them ... and so I did this time.  The novices took the sidelines as members of the youth group facilitated the entire activity ... from the prayers to the discussions.  It was uplifting to know that I wasn't there to REINVENT THE WHEEL for them.  The work of the Spirit had indeed begun here ... among these kids .. even before the Jesuits were around.  The experience was truly uplifting.  

The Gospel was read and a discussion cum sharing ensued a la the 7-step lectio divina method we had picked-up from Father Schneider.  From the sharings, I've learned how each grapples with the many painful realities of life ... with poverty ... the lack of basic needs ... not having to study despite their noticeable potentials as persons.  Being with them makes me think of my own concerns and how all my struggles seem but simple.  God allows me to feel fortunate ... real fortunate enough to extend help to others.  Thus, I begin with a prayer:  God help them!  Help them find jobs or continue their studies.  Help them discover more about you during these trying times.