Sunday, January 31, 1999

Jesuit Novitiate: Mission Trials - January 31, 1999 (Sunday)

Today, with words from the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12), we depart for our mission trials. Whew! There were plenty of things to finish before finally leaving (i.e., official tasks, Clipper article, Area-G assignments, etc.). At 6:00PM, Max ferries us to the port. The moon was at its fullest. Enroute to Cagayan de Oro were myself, Karel, Chris, Dot and Oliver. Jason and Javier left earlier for Zamboanga. As expected, we novices took the cheapest accommodations. The economy class was not as bad. I wouldn’t compare it though to the lavish Japanese vessel Nippon Maru which I was privileged to take some few years back. The top deck of the local ferry was nevertheless cramped with people speaking in an alien tongue (I’m sure, Binisaya); the walkways were crowded, as well with boxes and baggage that may well cause the entire boat to sink. The boat eventually left at 10:00PM toward a virtual unknown, into the stillness of the night, out into sea. At the top deck, we can feel the breeze touching our faces. Salty sea water occasionally splashes on us, as well. Hmmm … they don’t get this treat in First class.

Monday, January 11, 1999

Making Life Meaningful

Last 09 November 1998 (BREAKDAY from my 30-day retreat), a note was clipped on my door which reads:

"Frank, Thank you for your "thank you" (about the homily).  It was nice to be appreciated.  Hope you continue to appreciate.  It makes life more meaningful to others and also to you.  So, thank you! " 

The sender of the note would eventually pass on to me other inspiring readings.  Others may think of him as grouchy at times but I understand him very well.  Thanks Fr. John Moran, SJ for your simplicity and inspiring presence.