Monday, February 10, 2014


Reflections on ISAIAH 58:7-10 /  1 COR 2:1-5 / MATTHEW 5:13-16

By Frank Savadera, SJ

Before entering the seminary, I was in the Human Resources profession, working for a time in three manufacturing companies.  A big concern for us then was the problem of DEHUMANIZATION.  Factory workers coming in, day in and day out ... 1st shift  ... 2nd shift ... 3rd shift ... doing the same thing, logging in and out at exact working periods, staying on the same equipment and at the same working station, seeing the same people ... coming  in again the next day ... and life goes on ... over and over and over.  If you had been in such a similar circumstance, isn’t this like MAN simply functioning as a MACHINE.  Social scientists call this kind of an experience as ALIENATION. We can be quite functional and efficient .... but because of the routinary-ness of things ... it is as if we had been ALIENATED from our own selves.  I had become simply a machine (I’ve heard someone saying: Naging tao-taohan na lang ako). I had lost my self-worth.  I had not become the person that I really am.  A machine is not human.  I had been DEHUMANIZED. 

And so ... as a then human resource professional, one of our tasks was to introduce programs that hopefully minimize at least to some degrees the levels of alienation and dehumanization from the routinary-ness of life in the work setting.  If not ... there is UNPEACE;  if not ... there is INFIGHTINGS; if not ... there’s a lot of discontent, etc.

Specially during this time in the liturgical calendar which we call as the ORDINARY TIME, we are asked to reflect on the routinary-ness, the ordinariness, the regularity of life that we live ... and to say in all honesty ... I seem to already be losing my REAL SELF to this cyclic way of living my life.  There must be something MORE, a greater meaning to the life that I am living.  I am also prone to being ALIENATED from my own self, not discovering what I can truly be ... and what I truly am. 

Our Gospel tells us:  You are the SALT of the earth and LIGHT of the WORLD.

Firstly, I think ... what this is telling us in a most practical way is this:  We will need to acknowledge our needs for SPICE and FLAVOR to the routinary, ordinary and regular lives that we live.  If I examine the way I proceed with my life, what have I devised to add SPICE and FLAVOR to my life?  Believe it or not ... we sometimes cling to many a STRANGE, UNUSUAL and more so ABSURD preoccupations simply to SPICE UP and ADD FLAVOR to our lives.  (Last night someone was relating to me the plot of this Oscar nominated film ... about a man falling in love with an OPERATING SYSTEM ... a computer generated persona).  What is trending now on FACEBOOK?  Throwback history time of your past 4 years with Facebook.  Before ... there was ANGRY BIRD ... now we have FLAPPY BIRD.   When I talk to young people nowadays, they know of a lot of CREATED characters that for me can be quite fascinating (i.e., MASHIMARO ... chocomaro).  
Believe it or not, I’ve met someone whom I termed as a building specialist.  This is strange ... but to SPICE UP and ADD FLAVOR to his life ... he counts the number of floors of most buildings under construction in the metropolis.  Wow!  What a specialized field ... and he can be quite amazing ... not only in remembering the new construction projects in the city but likewise the number of floors of each building being constructed.  There’s a need for us to SPICE UP and ADD FLAVOR to our lives.  But the question is:  HOW DO WE DO SO? What is the Christian Catholic way of doing so?  Let me propose a few suggestions:

YOU ARE THE SALT OF THE EARTH.  SALT means FLAVOR.  What flavor do we contribute to our being Christians?  There is a word that is very familiar to us: TRADITION …  (in Lat: TRADERE … in Gk: PARADIDONAI … which means to hand on / to hand over.  Ordinarily, when we talk about “tradition” we simply imply all the practices that we perform.  Examples:  First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus;  praying the Rosary; Visita Iglesia during Holy Week;  vigil … last Friday to the Twin Hearts of Jesus and Mary.  Why do we perform such practices?  Some would say … TRADITION na yan, Father! 

In Scriptures:  PARADIDONAI … the Father handed over His Son to us;  the Son handed over himself (it is finished … he handed over his Spirit);  the Father and Son handed on the Spirit.  PARADIDONAI!  There is a TRADITION of SELF-GIVING in the Church, in the faith system we subscribe to.  As the Father, Son and Spirit exemplified SELF-GIVING … this self-giving … the handing over of oneself is commanded of us as well.  This is our TRADITION … the TRADITION of self-giving

How much have we given to our Church?  I do not mean, of course, financial help only.  How much have you given of your time? Your moral support? Your involvement?  Or even … actively promoting vocations to the Church? Would you wish our TRADITION to continue?  That tradition is precisely the TRADITION of SELF-GIVING.  In Greek: PARADIDONAI.  This is the unique FLAVOR … contribution that we give … our capacity for SELF-GIVING.  Paradidonai ... SELF GIVING adds flavor and spice to our lives.
WE ARE IN THE BUSINESS OF SHARING GOD’S LIGHT AND MAKING THAT LIGHT TRULY PRESENT IN THE WORLD.  Jesus said to his DISCIPLES (not Apostles):  YOU ARE THE SALT OF THE EARTH!  YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.  He meant this EMPHATICALLY.  There is URGENCY to the word he is using ... (humeis) - emphatic meaning "you yourselves".  "You and you alone (no one else) are the light of the world."  NOW NA! 

Light is that which enables you to see or which make vision possible amidst the darkness (brown-out). Light goes with sight.  Light illuminates, exposes, guides, and directs.  Light gives life.   The nature of light is to shine. There is no such thing as light that does not communicate itself. There is no such thing as self contained light.  In our case, there is no such thing as an invisible believerOur light must SHINE FORTH.  Light may originate in a distant star and travel a span of light-years, but it does not get tired of shining and ceasing to shine. Its nature is to shine. Christ says He has made light of the world, and we are not self-contained.  It is the nature of the child of God who has been made light to communicate the light given to him.  LIGHT IS THE TRUTH THAT YOU SPEAK ... the INTEGRITY WITH WHICH WE LIVE OUR LIVES.  That will need to SHINE FORTH.  (We pray for our whistleblowers ... those who risk lives and limb to speak the truth and scatter forth light).

As we live our ordinary life ... we acknowledge our need for SPICE and FLAVOR to the lives that we live. 

PARADIDONAI ... to hand-over ... there is a tradition of self-giving in our Church ... a way to add meaning and flavor to our very existence.

LIGHT is the TRUTH that we SPEAK.  We need always the COURAGE to shine forth and reflect the truth and light that comes from Jesus himself.