Sunday, February 28, 2016

Lord, There is NONE like You

Saturday of the Second Week of Lent
Reflections on Micah 7:14-15, 18-20  /  Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

by Frank Savadera, SJ

     There’s an old Don Moen song that goes:  “I worship you Almighty God.  There is none like you.  I worship you, O Prince of peace.  That is what I want to do.  I give you praise for you are my righteousness.  I worship you almighty God.  There is none like you.”
     Who is there like our God who removes guilt and pardons sins?  Who is there like the God who does not persist in anger forever, but delights rather in clemency?   Who is there like the God who not only cast into the depths of the sea all our sins but as well shows FAITHFULNESS (to Jacob) and GRACE (to Abraham);  he who have sworn to our fathers from days of old.  LORD, THERE IS INDEED NONE LIKE YOU. 
      I suggest that we continue to reflect on HOW TRULY UNIQUE GOD’S PRESENCE HAS BEEN IN EACH OF OUR LIVES.  I say each of our lives because this we know: God works in each one of us differently.   Can we indeed say that THERE IS NONE LIKE GOD?  He who despite my joys, pains, self-esteem and self-identity issues … kalokohan at ka-weidohan … always chooses to be here with us.   Can we indeed say that THERE IS NONE LIKE GOD.  He who calls us to GREATER LOVING … more so when it is difficult to love others and ourselves.   Can we indeed say that there is none like God because indeed after knowing myself and acknowledging my weaknesses … finally finally there is really really none like his PATIENCE, KINDNESS, FORGIVENESS and LOVE.  And more … there is NONE LIKE THIS GOD who even showers me with GRACES that I’ve never even expected for myself ... that is, ENOUGH GRACES to help sustain me in this journey of life that again unfolds.   THERE IS NONE LIKE GOD in His FAITHFULNESS AND GRACE.    
      We convince ourselves that there is NONE LIKE THE FATHER … because despite us … HE CALLS US BACK and WELCOMES US BACK TO HIS HOME.   Isn’t this the story that we find in our Gospel today?  There’s an image of a Father who parties and rejoices because His son who was once lost had indeed been found.   Can we just get into the STRANGENESS and ODDITY of the story.  We are always on our way back to the Father  ... not that we are to die soon ... BUT because of the strong conviction that we INDEED NEED the FATHER in our LIVES and we cannot spend the rest of our lives SEPARATED from Him ... squandering our God given talents ... and our time away from Him in a far away place.  As the younger son in the Gospel today recognized, we will also hunger and thirst for the presence of God.   We now know that indeed ... it is a source of GREAT CONSOLATION SIMPLY BEING HOME with the Father.    There is REALLY NONE LIKE HIM WHO WELCOMES US BACK TO HIS HOME. 
        I guess our Gospel also tells us that other than being home with the Father, we are also called to BEING MORE AT HOME with the Father ... as the second son himself was made to realize.  At HOMENESS with the Father ... for us means ...  that whatever is of God’s ... had already been shared with us.  “Everything I have,” says the Father, is yours.  Nothing is ever lost.  AT HOMENESS WITH THE FATHER means for us that we BRING HIM WITH US WHEREEVER WE GO. 
      Today, we simply pray and convince ourselves that indeed LORD THERE IS NONE LIKE YOU; NONE LIKE YOUR FAITHFULNESS & GRACE. 
       Lord, indeed THERE IS NONE LIKE YOU because you show us always the way … to find our way back to your home. 
       More important, there is none like you Lord because YOU ARE OUR HOME and whereever we go, we can always FEEL AT HOME in your presence.    
       Nice song there by DON MOEN: "There is really NONE LIKE YOU LORD … and in your presence I WORSHIP."