Monday, May 22, 2000

Sapang Palay: Last Day!

I wouldn't wish to get out of my bed this morning.  Today is our last day in Sapang Palay and my heart is heavy and troubled.  We are detaching ourselves from friends again.  They have become like family to us.  But then, even amid the sadness of being separated from friends, I look at the past year and feel still oh so blessed.  "Papuri sa Diyos sa Kaitasan."  The past two years had indeed been an experience of love and being loved.  I've found love being among the simple and downtrodden.  I've found God promising that I'll find this same love again and again if I care to look and hope for new encounters with new friends.  Allow me to reach out to more of your people , Lord.  Allow me to be more free as You have been in giving much of Yourself to us.