Friday, November 9, 2012


by Frank Savadera, SJ
Rededication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran
Reflections on Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12  /  1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/   John 2:13-22

There are at least two scholars of antiquity, namely Ruth Leader and Dominic Janes (we do not need to remember their names, of course) … who asked the question:  Why did the Church, during its earlier period of development (and perhaps still rightly so today) actively acquired and displayed symbols of wealth, instead of despising them in accord with Christ’s supposed rejection of all things worldly?  Leader and Janes legitimized this practice of the Church as “a necessary and understandable part of its integration into late antique society, which helped it acquire its desired position of social dominance.”   The two scholars, who specialized in tracing the history of ownership and display of gold and silver, as long time “expressions of secular power and markers of the elite,” interpreted the use of such possessions by the Church as “metaphors for spiritual excellence and divinity.”  Implicit in Leader and Janes’ claim is the notion of a Church that was then fighting for survival and needing to introduce God as most supreme through the then material and worldly marks of power and predominance.   Thus, the case of GLITTER representing the GLORY, GRANDIOSITY and GOODNESS of the GREAT GOD.

Why do we talk about these so called “metaphors for spiritual excellence and divinity.”  Why do we talk about  the GLITTER that represents the GLORY, GRANDIOSITY and GOODNESS of the GREAT GOD … you may want to ask?

Precisely because today, we remember not so much the life and witness of a saint and martyr … but the re-dedication of a building - an important symbol of  our faith.  We talk of course, of the importance we give to the BASILICA OF ST. JOHN LATERAN in Rome, the so-called MOST ancient Catholic Church in the world, the SEAT of POWER of the bishop of Rome … who is the Pope.  The Lateran is also dubbed as "The Mother and Mistress of All Churches."   

To stress the importance of and GLITTER that we associate with Basilica of St. John of Lateran, we must point that its altar is exclusively a PAPAL ALTAR, where ONLY THE POPE (apparently) can celebrate mass.  Reportedly, on the same altar is imbedded a fragment of the table on which Jesus celebrated the last supper.  Adding to this, the Cathedral reportedly hosts Jesus’ blood, brought to Rome by the centurion Longino.   It is also called the Basilica Aurea, "The Golden Basilica", because of its rich decorations.   Truly, the early Church had learned to optimize the use of GLITTER to firmly express the GLORY, GRANDIOSITY and GOODNESS of our GREAT GOD.  For all its worth,  we say “YES” … there is purpose to such  GLITER  as “METAPHORS FOR SPIRITUAL EXCELLENCE and DIVINITY.”  GLITTER serves its purpose. 

MORE THAN THE PHYSICAL SYMBOLS of our FAITH therefore,  I think we’re asked to more deeply reflect about what truly is for us a SANCTUARY OF OUR FAITH.  Should a sanctuary of our faith simply be a building?   What if Jesus asks us … as he asked in the Gospel:  DESTROY THIS BUILDING!  Should a sanctuary of our faith simply refer to a physical edifice? 

Ezekiel tells us of a sanctuary that has been a source of WATER and LIFE.  The WATER that flows and supports the life of every living creatures.  WATER from the sanctuary makes possible TREES bearing fresh fruits that serve as food and with leaves serving as medicine for the sick.  More than anything, I think we are all called and commissioned to help build that sanctuary that is the source of WATER, LIFE and HEALING for everyone. 

Saint Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians redefines also for us the meaning of God’s SANCTUARY.  It says: WE are God's building.   Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?   Thus if the Gospel exhorts us to exemplify a certain CONSUMING ZEAL to love and secure the house of the Lord … then perhaps that consuming zeal … speaks SIMPLY about TAKING GOOD CARE OF OURSELVES … INDULGING AND INVOLVING in a LIFE that ENRICHES God’s temple which is IN OUR HEARTS.   As Paul himself suggested, the temple  of God, which you are, must be kept HOLY and UNDEFILED. 

Friends,  today we remember the dedication of the GREAT BASILICA of St. John Lateran and remember that GLITTER can indeed serve to represent the GLORY, GRANDIOSITY and GOODNESS of our GREAT GOD … a metaphor that points to spiritual excellence and divinity.

As well, we are to reflect deeply as to how we are commissioned to help in making that sanctuary a source of nourishment … source of WATER, LIFE and HEALING for others.

Knowing as well … that such a sanctuary is US … WE ARE GOD’S BUILDING … AND WE ARE CALLED TO BE CONSUMED WITH ZEAL in keeping that sanctuary of God HOLY and UNDEFILED.