Monday, February 16, 2015

UNCLEANESS Separates Us from Others

Reflections on Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 / Psalm 32:1-2, 5, 11 /  1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 /  Mark 1:40-45
by Frank Savadera, SJ

First point:  UNCLEANESS becomes apparent because it separates us from others.  No one needs to tell it to our face if we are UNCLEAN, right?   Can PRIDE be a source of UNCLEANESS?  Can PRIDE separate us from others?  What about ANGER that separates us from others?  IMPATIENCE separates us from others?  What about being a BRAGGART that separates us from others? Can SELF-CENTEREDNESS separate us from others?  DISHONESTY separates us from others.  And we know that we are separated from others  ... not so much that we are ostracized … but because we feel that … slowly slowly … much like the experience of LEPERS … we are ISOLATED … we are FORCED TO BE ALONE.   We do not need to be a leper to experience this, isn’t it?  We can sometimes enter a room full of people and yet feel so ISOLATED because of our own UNCLEANNESS.  Life can be lonely this way, isn’t it?  WE HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE LONELINESS and ISOLATION brought about by our UNCLEANNESS.  

Friends, we will need to get into this feeling of ISOLATION and LONELINESS experienced by the LEPER before we can actually throw ourselves at the feet of Jesus to beg:   "If you wish, you can make me clean."  

Second point: In our Gospel today ... JESUS as always … does the UNEXPECTED.  When Jewish tradition says that no one must touch the unclean,  Jesus touches the leper.  Despite our UNCLEANESS as PERSONS ... Jesus reaches out to us constantly ... and not only that ... HE AIMS TO TOUCH OUR UNCLEANESS.  Oftentimes, when we meet someone DIFFICULT TO BE WITH ... we simply say:  Oh … JUST AVOID HIM.  We ask:   Why is this person always angry! Someone who thinks only of himself ... his needs ... what people think of him, etc.    Friends ... these people are the most isolated persons in the world.  How do you approach them?  How did Jesus approach them?  Jesus came to touch the UNCLEAN.  He reached out to them.  He touched the leper and told the leper to go to the priests ... so that the priests may know how the miracle is true.  He reaches out even to those who questioned his ministry.  Friends, as Jesus touches us with his HEALINGS HANDS ... we are asked to reach out also to others who need healing in their lives ... especially those who had been separated from community.  
Third point:  Since the leper publicized his healing by Jesus, it became impossible already for Jesus to enter a town openly. He remained outside in deserted places, and people kept coming to him from EVERYWHERE. FINDING JESUS IN MOST UNEXPECTED and UNLIKELY PLACES.  PRISONS ... HOSPITALS ... EVACUATION CENTERS ... OFFICES ... AIRPORTS ... PIER.  Where else can we find Jesus?  In everything ... especially in the deepest corners of our hearts.  He is there! 

As we prepare for the Lenten Season, we are asked to have a hold on our own UNCLEANNESS, that which ISOLATES us from others.  Do we wish to live our lives this way … LONELY and ALONE?
We are asked as well to recognize JESUS who REACHES OUT to heal us and TOUCH our UNCLEANESS.  How are we opening up areas in our lives that have yet to be touched by the healing hands of our Lord?    

FINDING JESUS IN MOST UNEXPECTED PLACES. Jesus provides us endless opportunities for us to approach him … to turn to Him … and as our Psalm today suggests … to be FILLED with the JOY of his SALVATION.