Reflections on Luke 18:1-8
by Frank D. B. Savadera, SJ
A woman ... a WIDOW ... a powerless persona in Palestine; who lost her husband; PESTERS an UNJUST JUDGE to render judgment about her case; what is the case about? We are not sure ... but it can be IMPLIED that it may have something to do with her becoming a WIDOW; in the olden days ... a WIDOW is bound to lose everything ... all the properties left by her husband; and so ... this is not just an ordinary WIDOW ... she was a DESPERATE WIDOW ... she was BATTLING for HER LIFE and SURVIVAL. This explains her PERSISTENCE.
PERSISTENCE IN THE GOSPEL today is LINKED CLOSELY TO FAITH. At the end of this parable, Jesus asked: But when the Son of Man comes, will he find FAITH on earth? The same FAITH as that of the widow’s? The same PERSISTENCE as that of the widow’s? FAITH is related to persistence. Are we persistent enough that when the Son of Man comes ... today ... will he find FAITH on EARTH?
I easily associate PERSISTENCE with the little that I know about SAINT JOSEPH PIGNATELLI, known as the protector and restorer of the Society of Jesus during the difficult time of the SUPRESSION. He was from Zaragossa, Spain where the Jesuits then were very powerful. He himself was accused of plotting to depose the government administrator in his municipality. He belonged to a rich and noble family. He could have lived a comfortable life with his family but instead chose to be in exile with his brothers. EXILE means moving about … taking the boat or long land trips to friendly territories (AND this means a lot, travelling with the old, sick and infirm … and in the case of Joseph Pignatelli, having perhaps the vision to bring along with him, documents, books and articles of Jesuit heritage that he can save). Thus, he was moving to places like Corsica, Ferrara (N. Italy), Bologna, Pharma and eventually to Russia. All throughout the ordeal of the Supression, he kept contact with his brothers exiled all over the world. He was thus remembered not only for his kindness, humility, gracious manner but more so for his undaunted courage in keeping his exiled companions united in spirit. He is, in some respects, almost regarded a second founder of the Order. If that is NOT PERSISTENCE … I don’t know what it is? FAITH is PERSISTENCE and a quote from Joseph Pignatelli echoes this faith and persistence: "My God, I do not know what must come to me today. But I am certain that nothing can happen to me that you have not foreseen, decreed, and ordained from all eternity. That is sufficient for me." If Joseph Pignatelli was not PERSISTENT, the Society of Jesus could have totally been wiped out. As we read in the parable of the persistent widow ... and remember Joseph Pignatelli, may we also manifest a certain PERSISTENCE IN OUR FAITH.
PERSISTENCE IN FAITH also means KEEPING THE FAITH BY REMEMBERING OUR FIRST OR HONEYMOON ENCOUNTERS WITH THE LORD. In one of his homilies at the Papal Residence in Rome, Pope Francis talked about the GRACE OF MEMORY. He asks us to REMEMBER our “first encounter” with Jesus – the encounter that “changed our lives,” that allowed us to take the LEAP of FAITH, the decisive encounters that prompt everyone to never forget one’s own first encounter with Christ. If I may paraphrase Pope Francis, he says: God never forgets, but we often tend to forget our encounters with Him. And this would be a good assignment to do at home, to consider: ‘When have I really felt that the Lord was close to me? When have I felt the need to change my life, or to become better, or to forgive someone? When have I felt the Lord asking something of me? “When did He say something to me that changed my life, or invited me to take a step forward in my life?” When have I encountered the Lord?’ Our faith is an encounter with Jesus. This, says the Pope, is the foundation of our faith: I have encountered Jesus,” as the apostles did. Friends, there will be a lot of DEBACLES in this life. We continue to be PERSISTENT with our FAITH as we receive the GIFT OF MEMORY, always remembering our first SIGNIFICANT and MEANINGFUL ENCOUNTERS with the LORD.
PERSITENT IN OUR FAITH also means NOT BEING COMPLACENT in EXPRESSING OUR FAITH. I even would wish to think that God will often times SHAKE US FROM OUR SENSES so we will not be complacent in our FAITH. In Rio de Jainero Pope Francis even suggests that faith is not genuine unless it is tinged with a trace of doubt. “The great leaders of God’s people, like Moses, always left room for doubt. We must always leave room for the Lord and not for our own certainties. We must be humble. Every true discernment includes an element of uncertainty open to receiving spiritual consolation.”
At the end of the Synod for the Families, Pope Francis talked about ‘scheduled faith.’ I understand this to be a sort of a PRE-PROGRAMMED FAITH, a FORMULAIC type of faith … a ready to eat, ready to be consumed type of faith. The Pope says: “We are able to walk with the people of God, but we already have our schedule for the journey, where everything is listed: we know where to go and how long it will take; everyone must respect our rhythm and every problem is a bother.” I think this is COMPLACENCY, being TOO FIXED and NOT leaving space for new and wondrous works by the Spirit.
Today, we pray to be MORE PERSISTENT in our FAITH; to continusly BEG for the GRACE of REMEMBERING our FIRST ENCOUNTERS with the LORD; and AVOID COMPLACENCY by allowing space in our hearts to be AWED by the new and wondrous works of the Spirit.