Sunday, August 18, 2013

Reflections on Joshua 24:14-29  /  MatThew 19:13-15
by Frank savadera, SJ  
Joshua asks his people something which we are constantly being asked ourselves:  DISCERN ... IS LOVING AND SERVING GOD ... THE WILL OF YOUR HEART?  Can you decide today whom you will serve?   Whom do we really wish to serve?  The God of our fathers or the little strange gods that we had created for ourselves?  It was EASY for us to respond therefore that it is Yahweh we would like to serve.  But Joshua then commands everyone:   “Put away the strange gods that are among you and turn your hearts to the LORD, the God of Israel.”

WHAT ARE THESE STRANGE GODS in our contemporary context?  They that we are drawn to ... whom we know as FALSE yet WE ALLOW THEM TO RULE our HEARTS and our MINDS?  We are beholden to them instead of being more focused on the great works of God!  How do these STRANGE GODS manifest their presence in our lives?  Can we identify them ... label them and even speak to them ... tell them:  STRANGE GOD KA!  You estrange me from what I truly believe and what I hope to become. (ESTRANGE? ... that which isolates us ... alienates us ... pushes us away from the GOOD!)  ... and SADLY ... we can be so convinced of the TRUTH about them ... that we had allowed them to rule our lives.  STRANGE GODS THAT ESTRANGE US FROM THE TRULY GOOD.  Example:  DESPAIR – STRANGE GOD YAN!  This is beyond me ... I am HOPELESS ... I am NO GOOD!  We allow DESPAIR to rule over us.  PREJUDICE – our evil perceptions of people ... STRANGE GOD YAN!  This guy is DIFFERENT ... WEIRD SYA!  From this day onward ... I declare war against him!  CYNICISM – kalokohan naman yan.  This is a USELESS activity.  I have nothing to gain from it.  I’ve gone through that before ... it didn’t work.  Why try it again?  STRANGE GOD YAN!  Each time, we encounter these strange god in our midst, be reminded of Joshua who tells us:  “Put away the strange gods that are among you and turn your hearts to the LORD, the God of Israel.”

WHAT HELPS THEREFORE TO FREE US FROM THESE FALLS GODS?  Joshua himself makes a proposal:  “Fear the LORD and serve him completely and sincerely.”

FEAR THE LORD – this is HOLY FEAR: be more afraid knowing that my current pre-occupation is not in the service of God ... or that which alieanates me from God.  Know that I can be distracted from how God is calling me at this time and at this minute.  Fear of the Lord allows us to constantly re-adjust our perspectives ... GOD IS THE SOLE FOCUS AND OBJECT OF ALL THE THINGS THAT I SEE AND EXPERIENCE.  Other than that ... MATAKOT KA! FEAR THE LORD! 

SERVE HIM – IS THIS WHAT GOD REALLY WANTS ME TO DO or is this SIMPLY SELF-GRATIFYING!  Can I catch myself.  Am I serving God or simply serving myself.   This is simply CONVENIENT FOR ME ... FOR ME ... FOR ME! 

IN SINCERITY AND TRUTH A certain HONESTY ... gusto ko ba talaga ito ... or I AM JUST FOOLING MYSELF.  If I cannot be honest about what I truly feel about things now ... I don’t know how I can be HAPPY!  BITTER!  ANGRY!  DEPRESSED! I always say:  If there would be a time in your life that you will need to be most honest to yourself ... let this be the time ... FOR YOUR OWN SAKE!  THIS IS YOUR LIFE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT HERE. 

The CALL of Joshua therefore remains relevant for us today:   DISCERN ... IS LOVING AND SERVING  GOD ... THE WILL OF YOUR HEART ... decide today.  How are we putting away the STRANGE GODS that tend to overpower us and estrange us from focusing on God and God alone.  

This is why the IMAGE OF A CHILD in our Gospel is important:  A child MANIFEST A CERTAIN FEAR ... A HEALTHY FEAR  ... I’LL FOLLOW ... KASI SABI NG NANAY ... GANITO GANYAN!  A child manifest a certain SINCERITY OF HEART ... he wouldn’t lie ... di ba?    “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  

More than being childlike ... let a line from the Gospel further console us:  JESUS PLACED HIS HANDS ON THEM ... on the CHILDREN  and he went away.  He gives his blessings ... and leaves us on our own ... for what?  TO DECIDE ... TO DISCERN ... CAN I LOVE AND FOLLOW THIS GOD ... OR DO I CONTINUE TO KEEP AND HOLD ONTO MY STRANGE AND LITTLE GODS ... we discern.