Sunday, May 31, 2015


Reflections on  SIR 51:12 CD-20 
by Frank Savadera, SJ

Friends, today’s reading from the Book of Sirach tells us:  “My soul was tormented in seeking her (“her” being WISDOM). My hand opened WISDOM’s gate and I came to know her secrets.”

Today as we know from previous years, we would be closing the gates later on and there will perhaps be crying, wailing and perhaps even gnashing of teeth (as we bid our new brother novices our temporary goodbyes!)  BUT always, we know that this is also HAPPY OCCASION. Are you happy?  NIMEN KWAE LA MA? No one is forced to be here, right? 

It is a happy occasion precisely because after much time of discernment (mind you some of them really took time)  toiling and tormenting their souls in seeking WISDOM … as the Book of Sirach tells us  … they have finally finally found themselves before WISDOM’s GATE.   Huh … is this it?   And slowly slowly they will come to know more about her secrets.  What secrets lie beyond the gates of Sacred Heart Novitiate?  Would you like to know?  Secret nga eh! 

What we know is that GREATER WISDOM will be within their reach!  And because of this, we would like to be happy for them and with them … and GREET them …  DOM, BIEN, KAYBEE, IRVIN, JOHN, CHRISTIAN JAMES, WEIPANG,  SHUXIN, MINGFEI, XUNGBO, ERIC and PHILIP … even if it torments your souls … SEEK GREATER WISDOM … we don’t even need to say it because you know what WISDOM is  … and  “who” wisdom is.  Wisdom is God.  Seek Wisdom.  Many of her gates will open before you.  Be not afraid to know more about her secrets!

A little request to our new novices … since you are leaving us at least temporarily … and you … we believe will come closest to wisdom … please pray for us!  Life will be different for us without you!  Pray for us that WE MAY MISS YOU!  Pray for us … that we may support you!  Pray for us that we may completely surrender you!  Pray for us to understand that as we gather here today … bitter sweet as the occasion may be … the Spirit may continue to challenge us each day to submit to how God may reveal His greater wisdom.  We anticipate this with JOY and GLADNESS!  Brothers, we welcome you to the Jesuit Novitiate.  We welcome you to the Society of Jesus.