Sunday, May 31, 2015


Reflections on Sirach 51:12 CD-20; Mark 11:27-33
by Frank Savadera SJ

In our Gospel today, Jesus asked the scribes and elders one trick question:  "Was John’s baptism of heavenly or of human origin?"  If they say from HEAVEN, then people will say:  Why did you not believe him then?  If they say of HUMAN ORIGIN, then people will sneer at them since most if not everyone, thought of John as a prophet.  So how did the scribes and elders answer Jesus’ question?  They say simply: WE DO NOT KNOW!  ... a SAFE or if we must say an ESCAPIST kind of an answer!  We do not know!

I remember one seminar I took on customer service when I was still working in the world.  A customer asks: When will my new van be delivered?  And the person on the other line says:  Gee, sir ... I don’t know?  Ah ... Oh so with whom do I inquire about its insurance or warranties?  The staff answers:  Oh I don’t know sir, I’m not in-charge!  The customer asks again: What about the car plate ... who can I ask about it?  The person on the other line says:  Sir, why do you ask a lot of questions!  I don’t know! I don’t know! I don’t know!  I JUST WORK HERE!

In Tagalog, this sounds even worst:  HINDI KO ALAM! HINDI KO ALAM?  Upon hearing his staff, a supervisor once got so irked by such a response.  You don’t know!  Hindi mo alam!  Eh ... kung hindi mo alam ... bakit ka pa nandito!  If you don’t know then why are you here!  KUNG HINDI MO ALAM, ALAMIN MO!  IF YOU DON’T KNOW, THEN KNOW FOR YOURSELF! NOW! 

Remember that UP Law student who drove his car into a flooded road?  What happened to his car?  The car "sunk" into the flooded road, of course!  When he was being interviewed on TV, he was just so angry at people around him.  EVERYTHING was wrong!  EVERYONE was wrong! He blurts out: "I did not know about how deep the flood was, he said!  NO ONE TOLD ME.  I SHOULD HAVE BEEN TOLD."

The worst thing about the scribes and the elders is that ... it is not so much that they do not have the capacity to know ... THEY JUST DON’T WANT TO KNOW.  Why?  Because the reality of Jesus ... the authority of Jesus INTRUDES into their FIXED WAY of believing and of doing things!  And so ... this is how it is!  Nothing else can make me believe otherwise!  Eto na yun! 

Friends as we go on with our lives, we will need to constantly ask ourselves:  What new things have I learned?  Or to what direction is this event leading me?  The worst answer that I can give myself is … guess what:   I DON’T KNOW!  Friends, we wish to always challenge ourselves … SEEK TO KNOW.  Seek to know a new person each day. Seek to know their stories.   Do I wish to know?  Much like the scribes and Pharisees, BE ON GUARD AGAINST UNMINDFULLNESS … the SAFE and almost ESCAPIST I DON’T CARE TO KNOW ATTITUDE.   God reveals to us new things everyday … how can we even know the will of God for us … if we choose to be CLOSED and UNMINDFUL of things around us. 

This is why, I also like very much the message from the first reading today:  "When I was young and innocent, I sought wisdom openly in my prayer ...  I will seek her until the end ... she flourished as a grape soon ripe."  My heart delighted in WISDOM.   Everyday is an opportunity to learn new things. May we tell ourselves always:  I seek wisdom!  MY HEART DELIGHTS in wisdom!  This experience is something new!  I’m learning!  I’m growing in wisdom!